It was Ron Gibson’s insight during the earliest days of the Covid-19 pandemic that led to the creation of the Miracle of Agriculture Foundation where he serves as its President and as a Board Member. Affectionately known as the “Milkman,” Ron is a 5th generation dairy farmer in Weber County, and he currently serves as the President of the Utah Farm Bureau Federation. Ron previously served as District 2 Director of the UFBF, Weber County President, Weber County Vice President, and the county and state Young Farmer and Rancher chairman. Gibson Green Acres milks 1,500 head of dairy cows and grows more than 1,500 acres of corn and alfalfa. He, his wife Andrea, and their four children enjoy hosting school groups of all ages on their farm to help promote agriculture.
August 26, 2020:
Ron Gibson: Board Member, President & Co-Founder