Thanks for helping feed poor & underprivileged families
In spite of news reports of slowing coronavirus infection rates, dropping hospitalizations, and fewer deaths from Covid-19, the reality is that the economic hardships fraught by this worldwide pandemic and our reactions to it will likely be with us for some time.
For example, not only did 30 million Americans hit the unemployment line between March and May 2020, the reality is that many of our neighbors are still struggling with food insecurity. Today.
Case in point, in late July 12.1% of adults that participated in the 2020 U.S. Census did not have enough food to eat at some point in the prior week. That figure was 9.8% in early May, an increase of over 23% in less than two months.
Put into context, that’s over 23 million adults.
But it’s even worse than that if you add children into the home.
Specifically, in homes with children, U.S. Census data says that “almost 20% of Americans with kids at home couldn’t afford to give their children enough food.1” {NOTE: That figure was under 17% in early June.}
Similarly, nationwide demand for food stamps (officially known now as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP) rose by almost 16% between March and April 2020, the highest one-month increase ever. In fact, the 2nd highest ever increase in SNAP assistance took place in in September 2008 during the Great Recession, and that one-month growth spurt was half of the March/April jump at “only” 7.3%.
And as we’ve shared elsewhere on this Website (include link here), the coronavirus outbreak led to significant breakdowns in the supply chain for food, in Utah, throughout American and around the globe.
Hence, the not surprising jump of 4.1% in food prices in July versus prices a year prior. And for some grocery items, the price increases are significantly higher, like 15% higher for ground beef prices.
So … if you can give, we invite you to join with us and help fight food insecurity right here in Utah, in your city, in your neighborhood.
Because chances are, there are a lot more families that you know who are struggling with real food challenges right now, including your friends and neighbors.
And rest assured, every dollar donated makes a real difference.
So thank you.
The Miracle of Agriculture Foundation Team